Invest My Idea is a crowdfunding platform of Rwanga Foundation that connects start-up owners, mentors, investors, and organizations working in the entrepreneurial landscape (in an online platform) to perform crowdfunding which is a way for people, businesses, and charities to raise funds. It works through individuals or organizations who invest in (or donate to) crowdfunding projects. Start-ups applied for crowdfunding and qualified start-ups with applicable business plans for their project will be selected and published on the platform to raise funds for their business.
Crowdfunding intends to fill the gap between a brilliant business idea and lack of access to microfinance for newly established business ventures.
A community will be created around the crowdfunding platform through awareness campaigns about crowdfunding as a supportive option.
This project is an innovative funding opportunity for small businesses and start-ups. It was initially funded by the European Union (EU) through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syria Crisis, ‘Madad Fund,’ and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Governorate of Erbil and Rwanga Foundation. After the closure of the UNDP funded program at (March 31st,2021) Rwanga Foundation decided to continue supporting this innovative initiative.
Beyond the life span of the project funded by the above listed donors and all the required infrastructure and tools to develop and manage the platform.
The platform with symbolic costs incurred by the start-ups, whereby no profit will be generated.
By reaching out to all potential interested parties in creative and innovative way. Boost of economic growth and self-employment through entrepreneurship.