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Ferkar offers educational videos, practice exercises, examination, and a learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace outside of the classroom.
by yaqub Ibrahim


Tacademia Tacademia, an online platform that prepares and offers scientific and academic courses in specific areas in the form of pre-recorded videos, has been established in March, 2020 following the outbreak of the pandemic and launched on the 1st of December, 2020. Besides offering courses, the platform organizes seminars, webinars, and meetings on specific subjects.

by Shram Hama Radha

ISIC - International Student Identity Card

International Student Identity Card Profile

The ISIC Association is the non-profit organization behind the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted proof of bona fide student status. First established in 1953, the ISIC card is now issued to students in over 130 countries/territories.

by Brwa Faqi

See How It Works

Young entrepreneurs and startup owners are able to collect funds for executing and developing their ideas and projects. This process consists of three stages:


Young entrepreneurs are required to register on this platform and submit all requested information about their projects.


Conducting Crowdfunding

After reviewing the submitted information, interviewing the startup owner by invest my idea’s team and business consultants, accepted campaigns would be announced.


Collecting the Fund and Execution !

After the completion of each crowdfunding campaign, if the startup owner has reached the targeted amount during the specified time period, all the collected funds would be transferred to the youth to execute his project and plans.