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Health & Medicine


SmartMed is a web based application that was found in 2017, SmartMED aims to digitize medical field such as (medial clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, hospitals, pharma companies…etc.)
by Rand Ari
Health & Medicine

Hello Healthify

A smart system to optimize the health sector by providing digital tools for making a better connection between (hospital-doctor-patient)’s, basis on health account with health data.
by Yara Hassan
Health & Medicine

Bamboo Bazzar

our aim is to save our environment by providing eco-friendly products and stop using plastics anymore. as all of us know the bad side effect of plastic on people and the environment taking this opportunity we come up with the Bamboo Bazzar idea
by Aram Mahruf

See How It Works

Young entrepreneurs and startup owners are able to collect funds for executing and developing their ideas and projects. This process consists of three stages:


Young entrepreneurs are required to register on this platform and submit all requested information about their projects.


Conducting Crowdfunding

After reviewing the submitted information, interviewing the startup owner by invest my idea’s team and business consultants, accepted campaigns would be announced.


Collecting the Fund and Execution !

After the completion of each crowdfunding campaign, if the startup owner has reached the targeted amount during the specified time period, all the collected funds would be transferred to the youth to execute his project and plans.